A. Introduction
[1] In this case:
(1) the plaintiff company (the plaintiff) claimed against four defendants (the defendants) based on the following four causes of action (4 Causes of Action):
(a) copyright infringement under s 36(1) of the Copyright Act 1987 (CA);
(b) tort of breach of confidence;
(c) tort of unlawful interference with the plaintiff 's business; and
(d) tort of conspiracy by unlawful means (the plaintiff 's Suit); and
(2) the 1st defendant (1st defendant) had counterclaimed against the plaintiff for copyright infringement, tort of breach of confidence and tort of unlawful interference with the 1st defendant's business (the 1st defendant's Counterclaim).
[2] The only novel issues which arise in this case are:
(1) what is the effect of "ACPO (Association of Chief Police Officers) Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence" (ACPO's Guide) in respect of expert evidence by computer forensic analysts?;